Penna How-to: Make Natural Pink Icing

Whether you're baking for someone with food sensitivities or you'd just rather avoid the sometimes bitter aftertaste of red food dye, tinting frostings or glazes with beets is a fantastic alternative. You won't taste the beets, but you will get a lovely soft pink colour that's perfect for glazing doughnuts, decorating cookies or drizzling on cake. 

Recipe makes enough to glaze one regular sized bundt cake, 6 doughnuts or at least a dozen sugar cookies - more if your cookies are on the small side. 


1 small red beet
1 cup of icing sugar
2-3 tablespoons milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla


Wash and grate the beet into some cheesecloth. Squeeze the grated beet through the cheesecloth and collect the liquid in a bowl. You'll want 2-3 teaspoons of beet juice. Keep squeezing until you have enough. 

Combine icing sugar, milk and vanilla in a bowl and whisk until smooth. Add the beet juice―a little at a time, until you come to your desired shade. Add more milk to thin and more beet juice for a deeper colour. To make this dairy-free, substitute the milk for lemon juice.