Late summer bounty slowly makes way for mushrooms and gourds in one of our favourite months for seasonal eating. Here are some of our favourite recipes we've rounded up for your autumnal eating pleasure.
Wild Onion & Mushroom Tart via Food Network Canada
Deep and earthy wild B.C. chanterelle and morel mushrooms are lightly fried with wild onions, leeks and butter in this Parmesan-topped savoury tart.
Pumpkin Curry Pizza via Well Seasoned
Move over Starbucks, this pizza brings a whole new meaning to the pumpkin obsession this Fall.
Train Museum Pie (Apple-Plum-Blackberry) via Chef Heidi Fink
This delicious late summer pie is named after our family adventures in fruit-picking at the BC Forest Discovery Centre in Duncan.
Creamed Corn with Bacon & Kale via Western Living Magazine
Homemade creamed corn is fast, easy and infinitely tastier than the canned kind, especially when it’s made with real cream, caramelized onions and bacon.
Spicy Pickled Beets with Ginger & Cinnamon via Chef Bill Jones (National Post)
It’s always nice to have pickles in the mix of a big dinner – the citric note adds a welcome counterpoint to the middle-range flavours. “You’ll love the combination of beets, ginger and cinnamon,” says Bill Jones.